Friday, August 20, 2010

We do it All

i have been riding horses for as long as i can remember a i love it to death i can still remember when i was going over my first jump and i was so scared,it coundent have been 2inches off the ground. i am know jumping 3,4 and highier latey.not trying to sound bragging but i am damn good. i have one love in the sport his name would be frisco and he passsed last october. but sence i have been rotating between all he horses that dont have anyone to work them.(because they are crazy). i know i would be a very different if i didnt have the relationships i have some of my best friends that ihave meet threw the barn.


  1. great pictures, had a fear for horses when I was younger because I'd watched those western films and the horse was always untamed and when they put me on the horse I would start crying even when the horse was just moving stronger than reality.:)

  2. hey vickie, ppl this girl rocks on a horse!!!
