Friday, August 20, 2010

We do it All

i have been riding horses for as long as i can remember a i love it to death i can still remember when i was going over my first jump and i was so scared,it coundent have been 2inches off the ground. i am know jumping 3,4 and highier latey.not trying to sound bragging but i am damn good. i have one love in the sport his name would be frisco and he passsed last october. but sence i have been rotating between all he horses that dont have anyone to work them.(because they are crazy). i know i would be a very different if i didnt have the relationships i have some of my best friends that ihave meet threw the barn.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

oh how i long for you those days sitting on the back porch with a big foggie glass of sweet tea, feeling the warmth of the sun fall on your face. And youre favorite pair of avaitors blocking the uv rays. look down into your lapapers, and flip threw the latest vouge. but its all going to come to a crashing stop. when the 7th day of September comes running around the corner. And pens and pencils fill our heads.and then all starts the Drama,dances,football games, THE STRESS